Monday, 26 November 2012

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Samsung looks, says it finds no child labor in its Chinese factories

A labor watch group found seven workers under age 16.

Samsung has claimed to find zero underage workers at 105 of its suppliers in China, contradicting a report put together by China Labor Watch, according to the BBC Samsung has stated that it did find instances of inadequate practices, including illegal overtime practices; however, according its audit, there was not a single worker under the age of 18 to be found.

Samsung, Apple, and other electronics companies have faced scrutiny over the last few years for the myriad of questionable labor practices in place at their partner factories. A report from the New York Timess in January described “deadly” working environments, severe workplace injuries, and underage workers at Foxconn, one of Apple’s main suppliers.
The interest group China Labor Watch issued two reports in August and September condemning Samsung for a number of violations, including seven workers under the age of 16 at HEG Electronics, a supplier of Samsung’s. Samsung followed up with its own audits this month, including one of HEG, and stated that it “did not identify any instance of child labor… after reviewing HR records of all workers below 18 and conducting face-to-face ID checks,” in a statement given to BBC.
Samsung uses a total of 249 suppliers in China, and is in the process of reviewing the remaining 144. The company plans to correct the violations of overtime as well as put a stop to fines levied against workers for being late or absent by the end of 2014.


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