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Bad news: Your Facebook page is likely about to slow down. Good news: The change will help keep online thieves away. Facebook is in the process of moving all of its users in North America -- and soon the rest of the world -- to a type of Internet connection that is more secure but also tends to slow down Web browsing a bit.
"As the Web evolves, expectations around security change," Facebook's Alex Rice wrote last year, when he announced that
HTTPS would become an option on Facebook. "For example, HTTPS -- once a
technology used primarily on banking and e-commerce sites -- is now
becoming the norm for any Web app that stores user information."
Bad news: Your Facebook page is likely about to slow down. Good news: The change will help keep online thieves away. Facebook is in the process of moving all of its users in North America -- and soon the rest of the world -- to a type of Internet connection that is more secure but also tends to slow down Web browsing a bit.
Called HTTPS, as opposed
to less-secure HTTP, it's the connection you see on online retail sites
when you're about to enter credit card information or a password.
Sometimes a little lock icon appears in the browser window when you're
connected to a site with HTTPS. (The "s," by the way, stands for
The new change is that
Facebook is starting make HTTPS the default setting for all its 1
billion-plus users, so people who haven't selected that option soon will
get added security -- and, potentially, slower browsing.
"People will be able to opt-out of HTTPS for maximum speed if that's how they roll," according to the Tech Crunch blog.
"It is far from a simple
task to build out this capability for the more than a billion people
that use the site and retain the stability and speed we expect,"
Facebook's Frederic Wolens told that tech news site, "but we are making
progress daily towards this end.
"This may slow down
connections only slightly, but we have deployed significant performance
enhancements to our load balancing infrastructure to mitigate most of
the impact of moving to HTTPS, and will be continuing this work as we
deploy this feature."
How will you know whether
you're using HTTPS or HTTP? Look at the top of your browser window,
where you enter Internet addresses. If you go to Facebook and see in that box, then you're browsing on the
more-secure connection, which scrambles data as it sends it back and
forth to Facebook's servers, making it more difficult for someone in the
middle to nab your passwords or other sensitive data.
"Think of it like this: you're having a private conversation with your
new boyfriend or girlfriend, and your ex -- unbeknownst to you -- is a
few tables over listening to every word," the blog "Lifehacker"
writes in his post titled," WTF is HTTPS." "That's the sort of risk
HTTP poses, whereas HTTPS would be more like if you and your new
romantic interest were speaking a new language that only the two of you
understood. To your stalker of an ex, this information would sound like
gibberish and s/he wouldn't get any value from listening if s/he tried.
"HTTPS is a way for you
to exchange information with a web site securely so you don't have to
worry about anyone trying to listen in."
Other online services,including Gmail, already use HTTPS by default.
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