don't need a separate piece of hardware — just a computer that can talk
to your TV. Download this remote for your Android phone and run all of
your media through the set with the help of the XBMC SOFTWARE HUB just like you would with a dedicated set-side device.
Control From: Android
Price: FREE
Control From: Android
Price: FREE
out the funky buttons (just one of many options). This TV control app
talks to its own infrared accessory as an intermediary, bringing your
iPhone into the picture as the control panel for the TV. You'll also
have access to re-compatible DVD players, audio equipment and the like.
The app itself is free.
Control From: iOS
Price: $59.95 – $79.95
Control From: iOS
Price: $59.95 – $79.95
more than a simple TV remote — though it does that well, too — this app
can play material from your PC, your Xbox360 and even stream video from
a separate camera to the screen.
Control From: Android
Price: $3.99
Control From: Android
Price: FRE
Control From: Android
Price: $3.99
While it's not tied to any one piece of hardware, this remote is designed to push content from dozens of compatible Sony TVs, Blu-ray players and receivers. It can catch and throw websites from phone to set, and it becomes a gamepad when you play via Sony Internet TV.
Control From: Android
Price: FRE
6. VIERA Remote
Panasonic sets are equipped to run from your smartphone via VIERA,
which allows you to not only switch channels and play content, but also
gives you full touchpad interaction with all the set's settings. Of
course, you can push pictures and video from your iOS device to the
screen, and you can even browse the web with your TV as the monitor.
Control From: Android and IOS
Price: FREE
Control From: Android and IOS
Price: FREE
7. Samsung Remote
brand-designed, full-function remote for your smartphone, with web
integration and features designed to allow you to pull content from
online sources. Smart TV is the concept, and these apps are the core of
the implementation.
Control From: Android and IOS
Price: FREE
Control From: Android and IOS
Price: FREE
the help of a battery-powered, pear-shaped device that pairs with the
TV, your iPhone becomes a browser. The Peels sorts content into
graphical tiles, grouped by genre. These are fully customizable and
couple with the concept of on-board Peel curation.
Control From: Android and iOS
Price: Approx. $100
Control From: Android and iOS
Price: Approx. $100
9. Beacon
the Beacon hub, placed in the room with your set, your Android or
iOS-equipped phone becomes a full media remote. Beacon will work with
your TV, stereo and any media component that its Dijit software knows or
can learn.
Control From: iOS and Android
Price: $69.99
Control From: iOS and Android
Price: $69.99
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